Archives for August 2014

Law of Awareness


The Law of Awareness states that you must be aware of your automatic thoughts, actions, behaviors and choices – also known as Habits. 40% or more of all of our activities are habits (Duke 2006 study).  Habits unconsciously dictate the type of life we live. Wealth, poverty, happiness and unhappiness are directly linked to our daily habits. If you want to change your life you have to change your habits. It requires that you stop and think about your habitual behavior. You must become aware of your habits. This allows you to evaluate whether your habits are helping you or hurting you. It’s the first step in the process of habit change. Awareness makes change possible.


Law of Feedback


Successful people are in constant pursuit of feedback. They make a habit of it. Feedback improves any product or service you offer in your business. Feedback obtained prior to a launch of a product or service enables you to improve the product or service prior to the launch. Feedback is also critical during and after the launch. Seeking feedback should be seen as a reconnaissance mission. It gives you the ability to obtain valuable information that will add value to your product or service. Making a habit of seeking feedback will set you apart from your competition and allow you to learn and improve upon anything you do.


Law of Tracking


If you want to change anything in your life you have to track it. Want to lose weight? Track how many calories you consume each day. Want to do more aerobic exercise? Track how many minutes you jog each day.  Want to stop watching so much T.V.? Track exactly how much time you spend watching T.V. Want to learn more? Track how much you read and what you learn from that reading each day. Change begins with tracking. Tracking is so powerful that it will change your behavior immediately. Not tomorrow, not next week. Tracking produces immediate change. When you want to change bad habits or add new habits, tracking will make that happen. Tracking works because when you do it it automatically calls into action three important success traits: self-assessment, mindfulness (being self-aware or what you’re doing) and accountability. The beauty of tracking is that you can create a tracking schedule for just about any activity you want to start, stop or reduce.


Exercise = Brain Candy


Blood’s major purpose in the body is to carry nutrients (glucose and oxygen) to the cells and to carry waste out through our lungs in the form of carbon dioxide. When we exercise we increase blood flow throughout the body. The more you exercise the greater the blood flow. This means more nutrients and more waste removal. Exercise also increases blood flow into the Dentrate Gyrus. The Dentrate Gyrus is part of our brain’s Hippocampus, a region involved in memory formation and neurogenisis (birth of new neurons). Exercise also stimulates the production of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDFN). BDFN is miracle grow for the neurons inside our brain. Exercise is, in many respects, like candy for the brain.


Passion Trumps Everything

After all of my extensive research into the causes of wealth and success there is one thing that stands out above everything else. Passion. The wealthiest of all of the successful individuals I have studied have this more than anything else. Passion trumps education. Passion trumps work ethic. Passion trumps intelligence. Passion trumps working capital. Passion trumps skills and years of technical proficiency. Passion trumps any advantage those who lack passion might have in life. Those few who find passion in something simply blow the doors off those who lack passion. It is not even a competition. Passion is like a light switch. When it is turned on it triggers a domino effect of other success characteristics. It is the catalyst for all success. It creates persistence, focus, fosters learning, instills a work ethic even in the laziest of individuals. Passion overcomes every obstacle, every mistake, every failure. Nothing can stand in the way of a person with passion. These people never quit and so they never fail.

Passion occurs when you find your main purpose in life. Having a main purpose is the key. It is the magic, secret ingredient to success because it makes passion possible. I’ve talked at length many times about finding your main purpose in life so I won’t repeat myself here. But understand this – when you find your main purpose in life you know it. It’s not something you ponder. It hits you over the head like a hammer. You never wonder if you found your main purpose in life. If you are unsure if you are pursuing your main purpose in life, rest assured you aren’t. When you are following your main purpose in life there are no doubts. It renders everything else in your life secondary. You become a slave to your main purpose. The passion it creates becomes all consuming. When you find it, you will know it.

The Law of Investment


The Law of Investment is really about investing in yourself in pursuit of your goal, purpose or life dream. It requires persistence and sacrifice – putting off things you want to do or have today, until some later time (delayed gratification). Successful people consistently invest their time and effort in self-education, taking action, making mistakes, making course corrections and relentlessly pursuing their big goals, purpose or life dream. They invest in themselves and grow to become the person they need to be in order to achieve these goals, their purpose or life dream. Success is a journey, it’s a process and it requires investment. A lot of investment.


Unforced Focus


Unforced Focus is like focus on steroids. It is the most powerful type of focus one can have. It does not require any discipline. It just occurs when we pursue something we are very passionate about. Unforced Focus allows us to learn at an accelerated rate because it enables us to engage in extended periods of attention. New knowledge and new skills are easier to obtain when we are in the flow of Unforced Focus. Unforced Focus is the most intense type of focus you can have. Edison had it, Tesla had it, Einstein had it, Steve Jobs had it, Warren Buffet has it. People with Unforced Focus can work on something with laser beam attention endlessly, stopping only to eat, sleep and relieve themselves. When you are in the presence of Unforced Focus you know it. You are unable to pull yourself away from an activity. The key to turning on Unforced Focus is the pursuit of a big goal, major purpose or life dream. Those who do not pursue goals, a purpose or a dream never experience Unforced Focus. Unforced Focus taps the genius that is inside all of us. But for most, it lays dormant their entire lives. This is why it is so important to pursue goals in life. You toggle on the Unforced Focus switch inside each one of us. The neurons inside the brain fire feverishly when we experience Unforced Focus. Pursue a big goal today. Find your main purpose in life this year. Start acting upon your life dream immediately. You will turn on your Genius Gene and Unforced Focus will enable you to accomplish incredible, super-human feats you never thought possible.


Get Disgusted With Yourself


It may sound a little crazy but disgust is often the most powerful catalyst for personal change. I like to think of it as the Dead End emotion. When you reach the point where you are simply disgusted with yourself, your circumstances, your poverty or mediocrity – you’ve reached a dead end. Personal disgust with yourself forces you to change course. It forces you to change your life. But how do you trigger this Dead End emotion? The life script I’ve written about so often, holds the key to releasing this emotion. Creating a script of your ideal future life and comparing it to your current life will trigger this emotion. Reviewing your future life script at the start and end of every week will reinforce your desire to change your life. It will keep the disgust emotion alive; nudging you toward your new life.


The Journey is the Reward

Many of the successful people in my study fondly reminisced about their journey in pursuit of achieving their big goals, major purpose or life dream, rather than in the actual realization of the goals, purpose or dream. [Read more…]

How to Raise a Future Millionaire

The values and habits you instill in your children can help them grow up to be wealthy.

Learn about what habits you need to instill, and how to do it!