Archives for April 2015

Proper Planning Promotes Prosperity


Proper Planning Promotes Prosperity. Becoming wealthy requires planning. There are 10 types of planning that self-made millionaires engage in:

  1. Plan Their Day – 67% prepared daily To-Do Lists.
  2. Plan Their Ideal Life – 59% scripted their ideal life by defining their dreams and wishes.
  3. Plan Their Achievements – This same 59% then built goals around their dreams and wishes.
  4. Plan for Loss of Income – 72%, prior to becoming millionaires, had life insurance that averaged 5 times their income.
  5. Plan for Death – 54% had life insurance for estate planning purposes.
  6. Plan Their Weight – 57% counted their calories every day to manage their weight.
  7. Plan Their Health – 76% engaged in some type of cardio exercise 4 or more days a week to help manage their health.
  8. Plan Their Investing – 95% either used financial advisors (76%) or managed their investments themselves (19%).
  9. Plan Their Income – 65% created 3 or more streams of income.
  10. Plan Their Thinking – 63% used various techniques to foster positive thinking.

If you want to be wealthy, you’ve got to plan for it. Wealth happens in the precense of planning. Poverty happens in the absence of planning.



Why So Few Ask For Help


 “Ask and it shall be given”, is one of the most famous verses in the Bible. There’s a very good reason for that. The self-made millionaires in my study made it a habit to ask for help. Yet, despite the fame, very few take this advice and ask for help from others. Why?

Fear. Actually, two fears: #1 The Fear of Rejection and #2 The Fear of Obligation.

Rejection makes you feel embarrassed, it’s humiliating, its demeaning. It can cause anger, hatred and, well, pick your favorite negative emotion. Rejection takes us to a deep, dark negative place.

Obligation means you owe someone. Someone did you a favor and now you owe them. Many people don’t ask others for help because they don’t want to feel like they are then obligated to them.

Self-made millionaires have been able to overcome these two fears, because they learned two magic secrets. Want to know they are?

Secret #1 Flipping the Dopamine Switch by Managing Expectations – Dopamine is a neuro-chemical produced by the brain. A drop in dopamine causes negative emotions. A rise in dopamine causes positive emotions. When you expect a “yes” after you ask for help but receive a “no” your dopamine level drops immediately, generating feelings of sadness, depression, anger (negative emotions). Self-made millionaires somehow figured this out and have come up with a way to flip the switch on this dopamine process. They manage their expectations by conditioning themselves for rejection when they ask for help. They actually expect to be rejected, so when they are rejected they’re ok with it. Their dopamine level is unaffected. When someone surprises them, and instead says “yes”, their dopamine level immediately shoots up and they instantly become happy, optimistic and enthusiastic (positive emotions). They’ve figured out a way to flip the dopamine switch.

Secret #2 Obligation Creates Partnerships – Self-made millionaires also figured something else out. When you are obligated to someone it actually strengthens relationships. You will eventually reciprocate the favor and that relationship will become stronger as a result. Obligation forges partnerships. You need partnerships to succeed in life. Obligation is a way to gain partners.



Feedback Guarantees Success and Prevents Failure


Most people do not seek feedback. And coincidentally, most people are not wealthy. It is the fear of criticism that prevents you from seeking feedback. Most of the self-made millionaires in my study were fanatics when it came to obtaining feedback. Somehow, they were able to overcome this fear. Feedback is necessary in order to learn what works and what doesn’t work. The military is expert in training their troops to seek feedback. Feedback tells them where the enemy is, how many there are and what they are doing. In pursuing success you need to take a page out of the military’s feedback book. You need to learn everything about what you’re doing to find out if you are on the right path or if you need to change what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. It is much less costly to seek feedback than to lose time and money learning what not to do via the School of Hard Knocks. Learning via the School of Hard Knocks is the hard, expensive way; seeking feedback is the easier, less costly path towards success. Feedback guarantees success or guarantees that you will not fail.




Processing Success – One Checklist at a Time


Awareness and Tracking are critical to habit change. Tracking gives you the power to change your daily habits. A simple way to process Tracking into your daily routine is to incorporate a checklist into you daily to do list:





I add my other to do’s below my core Rich Habits daily to do’s. My goal is to check off at least 4 of these Rich Habits to do’s.  It’s the little things you do day in and day out that eventually lead to a successful life.






Find Your Millionaire Mentor


According to my Rich Habits Study data 76% of the self-made millionaires were raised either poor or middle-class. One of the Rich Habits of these self-mde millionaires, that I uncovered in my study, was finding a millionaire mentor; someone who could teach them what to do and what not to do. If your poor or middle-class, you can find these millionaire mentors where you work, in non-profit organizations: trade groups, business groups, charities etc., in books or in mastermind groups. A mastermind group is typically 5-6 individuals who meet (by phone, skype etc) weekly to share best practices, advise and trouble shoot.

In order to be successful, you must walk in the footsteps of the wealthy. Finding your own millionaire mentor is the fastest path to riches!

Case Study: Bad Habits That Can Infect Businesses

One of my gym buddies who knows that I help companies improve their financial circumstances by fixing their bad habits, pulled me aside to tell me about the new company he just started working at. My gym buddy was hired as a manager because the company had very high turnover, kept losing their good employees and they were struggling financially. They were hoping my buddy could help turn things around. My friend told me that after working there for just ten minutes he saw immediately what the problem was. The business owner had this nasty habit of using profanity and creating degrading nick names for his employees like “hey stupid” or “hey dummy” (I’m being generous here – think derogatory racial slurs). Worse, the owner’s son, who also oversaw some of the employees, was doing the same thing as his father. Parent habits transfer to their children.

As a result of this bad habit of the owner and his son, employees felt degraded and worthless. The good ones quit, while the bad ones stayed on. The company was being run primarily by employees who believed they were worthless. As a result, the business was struggling financially.

I asked my friend if he talked to the owner about this.  He said he had. I then asked him if he thought he could stop the owner and his son from talking this way to the employees. He said no. “You know more than I do Tom, bad habits are hard to eliminate if you have no desire to change.” I reminded my gym buddy that I help companies like this, all the time, change their financial circumstances by changing their habits. I told him I had a process to change bad habits within companies that was foolproof, as long as there’s a real desire to change. He didn’t think there was any desire on the part of the owner to change.

I’ve learned over the past 11 years of studying habits that most of the financial difficulties companies and individuals experience are caused by bad habits. In companies like this trucking company, most are formed at the top (think owners) and then trickle down to managers and eventually employees. Bad habits infect companies like a financial cancer, affecting morale, productivity and ultimately, cash flow.

How I Lost 38 Pounds in 7 Months Using the 2:1 Rule

What we eat, how much we eat and when we eat are all habits. In order to lose weight you must change your eating habits. Reducing the number of calories you consume every day is the most consistently proven method to weight loss. But it’s hard to watch what you eat every day. I know. In my mind, I’ve struggled with maintaining my ideal weight (185 pounds). I’ve never had a problem exercising almost every day, yet despite my regular exercise, my weight still increased. Then, in 2007, after having completed my Rich Habits research, I discovered a formula for weight loss that I stole from my research. Those self-made millionaires who were able to maintain their ideal weight all had one thing in common – they tracked what they ate every day and used something that I now refer to as the 2:1 Rule. I took a page out of the book of these healthy millionaires and in seven months I was able to go from 212 pounds to 174 pounds. That’s 38 pounds!

The combination of the use of the Tracking Schedule and using this 2:1 Rule was so successful that my friends began talking behind my back to my wife, asking her if Tom was ok. They thought I had some horrific disease or something. I actually had to stop using this 2:1 Rule temporarily until I got back up to 185 pounds (I’m 6 foot 3, by the way). This 2:1 Rule is so simple, yet enormously effective. Here’s how it works. [Read more…]

Making Dreams a Reality


There’s actually a process to realizing your dreams. Unfortunately, many well-meaning personal development experts don’t fully understand the process and, as a result, those who embrace their teachings soon find themselves discouraged and disillusioned when they fail to realize their dreams. The confusion is in misinterpreting Goal-Setting as the process to realizing your dreams. While Goal-Setting is part of the process, the actual foundation for realizing your dreams begins first with Dream-Setting.

You probably never heard of Dream-Setting before. Dream-Setting is the springboard for the realization of your dreams. If you don’t Dream-Set, you can never realize your dreams. Dream-Setting is the starting point. It lays the foundation for the Goal-Setting process. Let me explain this process in a little more detail.

Dream-Setting is the act of clearly defining a dream. It’s a two step process:

Step One – Ask yourself what you want your ideal life to be ten, fifteen or twenty years out. Then write down every detail of your ideal future life. Be very specific in the details: the income you earn, the house you live in, the boat you own, the car you drive, the money you’ve accumulated etc.

Step Two – Using this detailed description of your ideal future life, make a bullet point list of each one of the details that represent your ideal life. These would be the income you earn, the house you live in, the boat your own, etc. These details represent your wishes or dreams.

Only after you’ve defined your wishes or dreams does the Goal-Setting process begin. This Goal-Setting process requires you to build goals around each one of your wishes or dreams. In order to build goals around each wish or dream you need to ask yourself two questions:

Question #1: What would I need to do, what activities would I need to engage in, in order for each wish or dream to come true?

Question #2: Can I perform those activities?

If the answer to Question #2 is yes, then those activities represent your goals. Goals are only goals when they involve physical action and you have the capability to successfully take action.

For example, if your wish is to make $200,000, what would you need to do, in a given year, in order to make $200,000? What specific activities would you need to engage in successfully during a given year, in order to make $200,000? Make more telemarketing phone calls? Do more training? Get a specific license in your industry? Expand your product offering? Purchase more rental properties? Invest in more efficient equipment or technology? Etc. Then you must ask yourself if you have the capability to do these things. If you do, then each action you must take represents a goal. If you don’t have the capability to act then you must develop that capability before you can even begin to pursue each individual goal.

Pursuing and then achieving each goal is like a rung on a ladder that you must climb. Each goal achieved gets you closer and closer to realizing your wish – making $200,000.

Let’s summarize this process:

  1. Paint a picture with words of your ideal life.
  2. Define each wish or dream that must be realized in order to have your ideal future life.
  3. Establish specific goals around each one of your wishes or dreams.
  4. Take action. Pursue and achieve each of the specific goals that will make each wish or dream come true.

You then repeat this process for every other wish or dream. When you realize each one of your wishes or dreams, your ideal future life will then become your actual real life.

Make Thinking a Daily Habit


Successful people devote time every day to thinking. 15 – 30 minutes a day seemed to be their sweet spot. The thinking the successful individuals in my study engaged in was more like personal brainstorming sessions spanning 10 core areas: Career, Finances, Family, Friends, Business Relationships, Health, Dream-Setting/Goal-Setting, Problems, Charity and Happiness. Thinking allows you to come up with novel solutions to pressing issues. Issues that are likely holding you back in life from achieving success. Take a page out of the self-millionaire manual and start thinking today. Start small – that’s one of the best ways to form a new habit. For a more detailed analysis of this research check out my latest blog article: 10 Thinking Habits of Self-Made Millionaires

10 Thinking Habits of Self-Made Millionaires

“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”
— Thomas Edison

One of the things that stood out from my Rich Habits Study was how important thinking was to self-made millionaires. I tracked ten different types of thinking habits these millionaires engaged in frequently, if not daily. From my research, it was so evident that thinking was fundamental to their success that I decided it needed to become one of the ten Keystone Rich Habits.

When self-millionaires think, they do so in isolation, closed off from the world. Most engaged in their daily thinking habits in the morning, some during their commute in their car, others in the shower, and still others at night. Morning seemed to be the most dominant time frame, however. Typically, immediately upon waking, these self-made millionaires would find a quite space and think. How long? It ranged from fifteen minutes to thirty minutes. What did they think about? Well, they thought about a lot of things and when they thought, they thought in a way that most would refer to as brainstorming. They spent time every day brainstorming with themselves about numerous things. I was able to boil down those brainstorming sessions into ten core Rich Thinking Habit categories. Here they are: [Read more…]