Archives for October 2016

The Difference Between a Dream and a Goal


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I get a lot of emails from people asking me what’s the difference between a dream and a goal. I get asked this question often because so many fail to achieve their goals. The reason so many fail to achieve their goals in life is because they are confusing dreams and goals.

A Dream = Some Future Outcome. A Goal = Some Future Action

Dreams provide you with the vision of where you want to go. They are your blueprint for your future life. You can’t achieve a dream. You can only realize a dream.

Goals are your construction team. They are the workers that help transform your dreams into reality. You can achieve goals only through action.

Too many confuse a dream and a goal. They seek to achieve a dream. Dreams can’t be achieved. They can only be realized. You realize your dreams by creating goals around each one of your dreams and then pursue each goal by taking action. Dreams require a vision of some future objective. Goals, on the other hand, require that you take actions that will transform your dreams into reality.







Rich Habits Poor Habits Episode 13 | Rich Beliefs part 6

If you want to succeed in life, if you want to become rich, you need to understand the success beliefs of the Rich and develop more of these and drop the beliefs of the Middle Class or Poor. puzzle team

Beliefs represent the acceptance of something without any proof to back up what we accept as fact.

They are inherited unconscious programming.

In Tom Corley’s five-year Rich Habits study of 233 rich people and 128 poor people he discovered that your beliefs dictate your circumstances in life.

Those who are wealthy have different beliefs than those who are poor or stuck in the middle class.

We adopt the beliefs our parent, family, mentors, culture, and environment.

Most who were raised in poverty inherited limiting beliefs that hold them back in life.

Those who are able to rise from poverty and become wealthy found mentors who possessed success beliefs or employed certain strategies that enabled them to remove their limiting beliefs and implant success beliefs, effectively re-programming their entire belief system.

In this week’s video we discuss how the wealthy adopt certain beliefs that promote success:

These include:

  • If I help others succeed, I will succeed.
  • If I improve the lives of others, I will improve my life.
  • I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  • Never quit on a dream.
  • Success takes time.

You can catch up with past episodes of this weekly webcast here Rich Habit, Poor Habits – Tom Corley & Michael Yardney

You may also be interested in viewing:






BECAUSE is a Word Used by Quitters


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I get a lot of emails from subscribers, fans and followers who are trying to pursue something important – a dream, a purpose, or some big goal. Too often, embedded inside the emails I receive, are excuses why they failed.

The word BECAUSE seems to pop up frequently in those emails.

“I couldn’t do X because …”

“I tried but failed because …”

“I worked hard but had to give up because …”

Successful people have to overcome many seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Rather than make excuses, they simply find a way to overcome those obstacles. At some point in their lives, they eliminated the Poor Habit of making excuses. They stopped using the word BECAUSE.

It’s so easy to find excuses for why we fail, make mistakes or quit on our dreams and goals. Excuses give us an easy out. Excuses allow us to rationalize that it’s not our fault. But that’s a slippery slope. When we forge the Poor Habit of making excuses, we are essentially telling ourselves that we are not in control of our lives and that our circumstances are dictated by outside forces.

When you brainwash yourself into thinking your circumstances are outside your control, you will never be able to change the circumstances of your life. You’ll be stuck forever, comforted only by your ability to find excuses for why your life is as it is. Eliminate the Poor Habit of making excuses. Stop using the word BECAUSE every time something doesn’t go your way. Obstacles are only insurmountable when you let them stop you in your tracks.







Do You Really Know Me?


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How much do you know about those who matter to you? Your immediate family, you probably know everything about them. You know their birthdays, you know what schools they attended. You probably know the names of their old girlfriends or boyfriends. You know the names of their best friends growing up. You know what their favorite sports are.  You might even know what books they like to read, their favorite songs and favorite movies. When it comes to your immediate family, you very likely know everything there is to know about them. And that’s what keeps you so close.

So, how much do you know about the important non-family members of your life? How much do you know about your friends, the friends of your children, their parents, their teachers, your partners, your clients, your customers, your colleagues at work, their wives, their kids, your subordinates at work, their families, your boss and your boss’s family, your main vendors or your banker? How much do you really know about the most important people in your life?

Wealthy, successful people, the ones in my study at least, know everything there is to know about the people who are responsible for helping them become so successful. To the wealthy, relationships are like gold. They gather information on the significant people in their lives like squirrels gather acorns. And they do this because they figured out, a long time before they became millionaires, that relationships are one of the most important pieces to the success puzzle.





Job Dissatisfaction is Exhausting


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If you feel tired every day, it could be that you are bored with your job. Most people, I’ve learned from my research, do not like what they do for a living. In fact, 96% of the poor in my Rich Habits Study said they did not like their job.

You may think you’re just bored with your job, but in reality low-level stress, caused by job dissatisfaction, is forcing your body and your brain to exhaust it’s available supply of glucose, its main source of fuel.

When your glucose level drops, the body notifies the brain and the brain’s response is to put you to sleep, in order to reduce the need for glucose. That is why you feel tired on the job. So what can you do?

There are certain things you can do that add more fuel to the body:

  1. Exercise aerobically every day for 15 – 30 minutes – Aerobic exercise increases oxygen levels in the body. Every cell uses oxygen to break down glucose within each cell for use as fuel. When you increase your oxygen level by aerobically exercising, you make it easier for each cell to convert glucose into fuel.
  2. Take Vitamin D (1,000 – 5,000 IUs) – Vitamin D is actually a steroid. It has many benefits: It helps rid the lungs of bacteria and it boosts your immune system. Having less bacteria in the lungs means the immune system does not have to work as hard. Plus, because Vitamin D boosts your immune system, your immune system has more readily available resources (white blood cells) to attack intruders. It doesn’t have to reach out to the body asking it to create more immune cells, which means the body does not have to work as hard.
  3. Eat 1 teaspoon of coconut oil very day. Coconut oil is a fat that gets converted into Ketones, a unique source of fuel used by the brain. Ketones are a healthier fuel source because they do not require insulin in order to be converted to fuel. Glucose, the main source of fuel, requires insulin in order to convert it to fuel. More ketones means the body does less work, since it reduces the work of the pancreas, which is where insulin is produced.
  4. 2/3rds of your meals should be vegetables. Vegetables are easier to digest and that means less work for the body to convert into energy.







Focus on the Process


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Success is not a single event. Success is a process. The process makes success possible. While dreams, and the goals behind the dreams, are important, even more important is creating a process that will lead to the achievement of your goals and realization of your dreams.

All self-made millionaires create some process that transforms dreams and goals into reality. Without a process, dreams and goals are unreachable. A process is something you engage in every day that improves the skills and knowledge required in order to achieve a goal and realize a dream. A process = daily, systematic action that makes you better at what you do.

When you focus on the process, the achievement of your goals and realization of your dreams are automatic. That is why habits are so important. Habits are the process. You process success when you forge habits that lead to success and eliminate habits that drag you down. Focus on your habits and goals and dreams become automatic.






Warren Buffet’s 3 Step Strategy for Success


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One day Warren Buffet was sitting in the cockpit of his plane with his pilot, Mike Flint. They were having a conversation. Flint asked Buffet what it takes to succeed. Buffet shared with him the following 3 Step Strategy for Success:

STEP #1 Top 25 Goals

Buffet had Flint write down his top 25 Goals.

STEP #2 Top 5

Next, Buffet had Flint circle his Top 5 Goals.

STEP #3 Eliminate Secondary Goals

Buffet then had Flint transfer his Top 5 Goals onto a separate piece of paper and asked Flint to transfer his 20 Secondary Goals onto another separate piece of paper. Buffet told Flint that those 20 Secondary Goals = goals to avoid at all costs.

The purpose of this exercise was to help his pilot decide on the goals he wanted to focus on and to ignore all other goals.

The key to success is to focus on what’s most important to you. Buffet’s 3 Step Strategy for Success not only helps you to define those things which will have the most impact on your life but also helps you to define those things you should ignore at all costs. Those 20 Secondary Goals represent distractions; things which are not a good use of your time and which will distract you from pursuing your most important goals.




The Big 3 Greatness Qualities

From my Rich Habits research I uncovered 3 Greatness Qualities most of the self-made millionaires in my study possessed: Authenticity, Loyalty and Honesty


What’s Your Emancipation Proclamation?


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President Abraham Lincoln, on January 1,1863, issued his famous executive order known as The Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves were free. The Emancipation Proclamation was a mission statement, a decree, a manifesto centered around one singular idea – freedom.

At the heart of every dreamer is the desire to be free. Freedom from being an employee. Freedom from financial worries. Freedom from mind-numbing work that does little to inspire. And freedom from being controlled by others.

Your Emancipation Proclamation is, in one sentence, a declaration of how you will gain your freedom. For me, my Emancipation Proclamation is to become JC Jobs, the main character in my books: Rich Habits and Rich Kids. JC’s singular purpose in life was to be free from poverty. He found that freedom in his discovery of the Rich Habits; habits that teach people how to rise from poverty and realize success. Above my  desk, tacked to my wall, is a sign that reads: To Become JC Jobs – The Future Version of Myself.

That’s my Emancipation Proclamation. That’s my path to freedom. That one declarative statement summarizes, for me, why for the past 14 years, I continue to get up at 4:30am every morning and spend 3 hours writing, researching, learning and preaching about the Rich Habits.

Realizing any dream is hard. It can be a very discouraging journey. On days when I feel most discouraged, I look up from my desk and read my Emancipation Proclamation. I then look back down at my desk and continue working. My Emancipation Proclamation reminds me why I’m pursuing my dream.


Journal Your Way to Positivity


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In a study conducted by Michael McCollough of Southern Methodist University and Robert Emmons of the University of California, they found that the group of individuals in their study who wrote down positive, grateful information were more alert, enthusiastic, determined, optimistic and energetic. This group also reported feeling less depression and stress. The study also found that individuals who are positive and upbeat are happier and wealthier than those who are negative, filled with doubts and unhappy.

Many famous individuals kept journals or scripted out their lives: John D. Rockefeller, Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, John Adams, Ronald Reagan and Mark Twain.

I’ve written often about the power of scripting out your ideal life. Scripts creates a blueprint of the ideal life you desire. Reading your scripts keeps you focused on the vision of your ideal life. It also helps in keeping you focused on positive outcomes.

This is important because the brain can only hold on to one thought at a time. By regularly reading your script, you force yourself to focus on positive outcomes and, by default, negative outcomes take a back seat.

Create a script of your ideal life today. Focus on what could be and not on what is. Circumstances can be changed. Many self-made millionaires started out poor (41% according to my Rich Habits study grew up in a poor household). If they can change their circumstances, so can you!