Archives for September 2019

9 Facts About Wealth


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My latest media piece – courtesy Business Insider

Who says you need to be an actor, musician, professional athlete, or high-powered executive to be rich?

The truth is you don’t need a fancy title, special talent, or face for TV to become wealthy. It’s ultimately about cultivating and maintaining good habits.

Thomas C. Corley, a certified public accountant and certified financial planner, spent five years studying millionaires and gathered his insights in “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.”

Corley interviewed 233 people with at least $160,000 in annual gross income and $3.2 million in net assets, 177 of whom were self-made. He uncovered dozens of facts about rich people and their daily habits.

Here are some of the most interesting facts from Corley’s research that will help you think differently about building wealth.

You’re wealthy when passive income equals or exceeds living expenses.

Corley said he believes that the benchmark for being considered “wealthy” is when a person generates enough passive income to cover their expenses.

In other words, they don’t need to earn a consistent paycheck from a job to live comfortably.

Someone whose lifestyle costs $150,000 to $160,000 a year would need investments totaling about $3.2 million, he said. Those who live on much less — say, $50,000 to $60,000 a year — would need $1.2 million invested to generate their annual income.

“The key to being wealthy, therefore, is standard-of-living costs that are less than your passive income,” he said. “Your standard of living can make you wealthy — or not.”

Self-made millionaires live relatively modest lives.

Self-made wealthy people don’t always have the fanciest car, house, or jewelry. In fact, it’s rare, Corley said.

Eighty-three percent of the self-made millionaires in his study lived in a modest house, purchased good used cars, ate most meals at home, and bought cheap clothes. They also overwhelmingly avoided spontaneous and emotional purchases.

“Never buy anything on impulse. It is almost always the wrong thing to do,” Corley said. “That spontaneous or emotional purchase will lose its luster after only a few weeks. Then you’re stuck with something you don’t need and that does not generate any income.”

Financially successful people know when to say no.

Millionaires are selective about the tasks they take on and the opportunities they accept, Corley said.

Importantly, they’ve grown comfortable saying no to things that don’t support their progress, and yes only to things that align with their dreams and goals.

The easiest way to wealth is saving and investing.

Corley found that one of the most common paths to wealth was also the most widely available to people. Almost half of the millionaires he studied took “the saver-investor path.”

These people didn’t grow up rich, have high salaries, graduate from elite universities, inherit money, or possess unique skills — they saved diligently, invested prudently, and waited.

“You would never know they were rich by looking at them,” Corley said. “They are your neighbors, family, friends, colleagues at work, assistant coaches, teachers, union workers, plumbers, electricians, construction workers, accountants, government workers … the list goes on.”

Scheduling time to think is a top habit of rich people.

Self-made millionaires are dedicated thinkers, Corley found. In most cases, he said, “it’s the key to their success.”

The rich tend to think in isolation, in the mornings, and for at least 15 minutes every day.

Corley said they ask questions such as “What can I do to make more money?” “Does my job make me happy?” “Am I exercising enough?” and “What other charities can I get involved in?”

Rich people seek out friends who are encouraging, optimistic, and constructive.

Interpersonal relationships have an outsize effect on our ability to achieve success.

Corley said the millionaires he studied tended to seek out and surround themselves with people who possess qualities like optimism, confidence, humility, emotional stability, patience, authenticity, and mindfulness.

They also provide constructive criticism and focus on adding value to the lives of those around them, not just themselves.

On the other hand, people who become rich avoid “poverty by association.”

As humans, we tend to behave like the people we surround ourselves with. Whether it’s neighbors, family, coaches, or friends, Corley said, we often adopt their money habits, regardless of whether we intend to or not.

“One of the hallmarks of the self-made millionaires in my study was the conscious effort they made to associate with like-minded individuals,” Corley said. “If a close relationship was a spendthrift, they limited how much time they spent with those individuals.”

Only 1% of self-made millionaires got rich before age 40.

Wealth doesn’t materialize overnight for most financially successful people.

Corley said that only 1% of the self-made millionaires he studied got rich before 40. For the other 99%, it took at least 18 years of practicing good habits to get there.

“Success, for the vast majority of the self-made millionaires in my study, was about doing the little things every day that helped build momentum in their lives,” Corley said. “This momentum kept them moving forward, growing in knowledge and skill.”

The vast majority of millionaires inherited crucial habits from their parents.

Many millionaires learned their most fundamental rich habits from their parents, Corley found, giving them an advantage on their path to wealth.

For example, over 95% said they were taught to take responsibility for their actions, respect the law and other people’s property, work hard for what they want, and improve themselves daily. Importantly, their parents taught them that acquiring wealth is a good thing, not evil or greedy.

Here’s a link to the actual article: 9 facts that will make you think differently about wealth, from a man who interviewed over 200 millionaires via @businessinsider

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!

Poverty is a Very Profitable Business


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Many financial institutions, ones with strong ties to the media, politicians, businesses and influencers, depend on the existence of poverty. In fact, poverty income is one of their most profitable income streams.

Think I’m crazy?

Let me explain. There is Dark Money out there funding a two-tiered banking system. The first tier you’re very familiar with – they are the well-heeled banks that blanket metropolitan areas and their outlying suburbs. JP Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America and so on. You won’t, however, find many of their branches doing business in the inner cities of America.

The second tier “banks” would likely be unfamiliar to you. That is, unless you happen to live one of America’s inner cities. Major, blue chip financial institutions fund and partner with these second tier financial institutions in an effort to fleece the poor of what little money they have.

ACE Cash Express’s is one of the largest check-cashing companies in America. It was established in 1968. Check Cashing Outlets pepper the inner cities, where the poor live. Their primary service is cashing checks, at a fee that ranges from 1- 3% of the amount of the check. They also offer “Payday Loans” – typically, a customer writes a check for say $240 and receives $200 in cash. That’s an annual interest rate of approximately 520%.

Guess who helped propel ACE’s impressive expansion? American Express.

Cash America is a publicly traded pawnshop company. You won’t find any of their outlets on Main Street, USA. But you will find them in the inner cities, where the poor live. The primary service pawnshops offer is a loan collateralized by property given to the pawnshop in exchange for the loan. The pawnshop will lend about 25-30% of the value of the property and hold on to the property until the loan is paid back. About 30% of customers default on their Pawn Loans. The pawnshop then sells the property for full value.

Guess who helped fund Cash America’s expansion back in 1984? Bank of America.

Guess who Cash America purchased in 1999? ACE Cash Express.

Most poor people are not ignorant fools being used by the second-tier financial institutions. Most are well aware they are being fleeced. They are just desperate and desperate people do what they have to do to survive.

These second-tier financial institutions exist in order to profit from that desperation.

Many of these blue chip financial institutions who fund these second-tier financial institutions are in bed with politicians and the media. Their political and media lackeys are only too happy to do what they can to keep the poor, poor.

The politicians pass legislation that only serves to promote poverty by keeping the poor dependent on government assistance, imperpetuity.

The major media plays the flute, writing articles that supports these politicians and their policies and they write articles lambasting anyone critical of these same politicians and their pro-poverty policies.

These are the same dark forces driving the very loud, big government, quasi-socialist agenda in America today. They want vassals, hopelessly dependent on their largess. They most definitely don’t want you to save. They don’t want you to live below your means.

What they do want is for you to embrace the consumerist agenda – to live beyond your means. They want you to spend all of your money, to use credit cards and to go into debt.

Over the years, I have been using my bully pulpit, my Rich Habits Poor Habits research, blog and my many books to try to wake poor people up. My message is simple – you can escape poverty if you change what you are doing.

You must abandon the belief that government is going to help. They won’t. It’s not in their best interest to reduce or eliminate poverty. Government needs poverty like fish need water. And so do the interests they serve.

Only you can lift yourself up. You must become the architect of your life. You just need to know what to do and what not to do. Knowledge will set you free.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!

The Poser Mindset


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Almost every day I take the same route to work at the same time. And, every day, for the most part, I see the same cars.

Most are your run of the mill average-priced non-luxury cars. But, a good percentage of them are luxury cars. Probably north of 10% of the cars I see during my commute are luxury cars.

There’s this one luxury car, a Mercedes Benz GLE SUV, that I see frequently. The price range on this car is between $50,000 – $70,000. A pretty expensive car.

About six months ago, I noticed the driver had used clear boxing tape in order to keep the rear left light section from falling off. I see this makeshift tape repair job almost every day during my commute to work.

I have a few auto repair and auto body clients in my CPA business. So, I asked them what it might cost to repair something like this. The repair bill is not over the top – something in the range of $250 for the run of the mill car. However, because it’s a Mercedes, the repair bill would be somewhat higher, probably around $350.

So, why doesn’t the driver just bring it to the repair shop and get it fixed? I mean, if you’re driving such a beautiful high-end luxury car, wouldn’t you want to keep it looking beautiful?

According to my auto repair and auto body clients, the #1 reason people put off repairs is because they cannot afford it.

There are posers out there – people just getting by, posing as a rich people. They want others to perceive them as rich and successful, so they buy expensive watches, expensive clothes, expensive shoes, expensive houses and expensive cars.

Many of the wealthy in my Rich Habits Study did not own luxury cars, or luxury homes, own luxury watches, etc. The uber-rich in my study did, but they are a different breed of wealthy. The uber-rich buy their luxury items with the passive income generated from the assets they own.

There are very few uber-rich out there. Less than 1% of the population is uber-rich.

There are, however, far more luxury cars on the streets then there are uber-rich people who can afford them.

Clearly, people who are not uber-rich are the ones buying many of these luxury cars.

Posers are people pretending to be rich. They live paycheck to paycheck. They struggle financially. They are deep in debt. Their lives are a financial mess.

So, the next time you see someone driving an expensive car, don’t automatically envy them. In all likelihood, they are posers.

They should not be envied. They should be pitied.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!



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When you give 100%, you are seeking to meet the expectations of others.

When you consistently meet expectations, you keep those you do business with or interact with satisfied. They will be unlikely to leave you for someone else.

When you give 110%, you are exceeding the expectations of others.

Example: Your old newspaper delivery boy/girl dropped your newspaper off on your driveway. But your new delivery boy/girl drops your newspaper off at your front door.

How do you think you would you feel?

When you consistently exceed the expectations of others, you Wow them. Not only will they continue to do business or interact with you, they will tell others about you.

When you give 110%, you become a story that must be told.

The key to giving 110% is to establish an expectations baseline at the beginning of every interaction. This baseline represents the most likely, realistic, agreed-upon outcome – one everyone is satisfied with.

By creating an expectations baseline at the beginning, you shrewdly tee yourself up to Wow others when you exceed those expectations.

Consistently exceeding expectations, boosts trust and confidence others have in you.

This is why giving 110% is a Rich Habit.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!

Is Your Spouse Holding You Back From Living the Life of Your Dreams?


Tom Corley boats - cropI get many emails on the role spouses play in achieving success. This is a difficult topic to cover, but I feel, nonetheless, it’s a topic that must be addressed.

In my research, 88% of my self-made millionaires said that they were happy in their marriage. Conversely, 53% of the poor indicated that they were unhappy in their marriage.

One of the more critical success variables in my study was finding a spouse who was truly a partner in the pursuit of a successful life.

Spouses who are true partners in the pursuit of success, will share many things in common:

  • Similar Beliefs
  • Similar Attitude Towards Family
  • Similar Dreams or Aspirations
  • Similar Desires or Wants
  • Common Clarity or Vision of Your Future Life
  • Similar Positive Mental Outlook
  • Common Hard Work Ethic
  • Shared Expectations for Your Future Life
  • Similar Attitude Towards Honesty or Integrity
  • Humility
  • Similar Attitude About the Importance of Education
  • Similar Attitude About Trust and Fidelity
  • Shared Passion for Recreational Activities
  • Shared Interests
  • Common Morals
  • Shared Financial Goals
  • Shared Family Goals
  • Shared Lifestyle/Standard of Living Goals
  • Similar Risk Tolerance

Success, wealth, good health and happiness are virtually impossible when the values, habits, mindset, temperament and beliefs are not in complete alignment within a marriage. Finding a spouse who shares these important fundamentals, is, therefore critical to creating a dream life.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!

I need a New Title For My Upcoming Book

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As you may know, I am in the process of publishing my latest book, Guaranteed Wealth.

Using a narrative (fictional story) format, this book focuses on the Saver-Investor Path to accumulating wealth (4 Paths to Becoming a Self-Made Millionaire –

The Saver-Investor Path requires that you follow certain Smart Money Habits during your entire life. It is the Guaranteed Path to Wealth because it does not require any particular skills, knowledge or significant risks. Just saving 20% of your income every year and prudently investing those savings.

Because I am a Certified Financial Planner, with various securities licenses, everything I publish has to go through compliance with my financial planning firm.

Unfortunately, the title Guaranteed Wealth did not pass compliance. They want me to change the title.

I have some alternate titles and was hoping you might weigh in on which title you like the most. In the order of MY preference, below are the alternate titles I am considering:

  1. Middleclass Millionaires
  2. Undercover Millionaires
  3. Unremarkable Millionaires
  4. Unexceptional Millionaires
  5. Wealthy on Purpose
  6. Deliberate Wealth
  7. Intentionally Wealthy
  8. Wealthy By Choice
  9. The Wealth Game Plan
  10. Unavoidable Wealth
  11. Inevitable Wealth

If you have ideas for alternate titles, please share them with me.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!

College Can Be More Costly Than You Ever Imagined


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Over the past 40 years the costs of sending a child to college have increased 212%. Student loan debt, in response to these escalating costs, has ballooned to $1.56 trillion.

The average college graduate is saddled with $30,000 in student loan debt. The average monthly payment on that debt is approximately $400, which takes about 12 years to pay off.

But, that is only part of the story.

When you send your child off to college, their inner circle shifts from Mom, Dad, family and childhood friends, to fellow college students.

If your college student’s new inner circle has beliefs, thinking, ideologies and habits that are different from the ones they were raised in, they will become infected with them.

For too many college students, the “college experience” is much more than an education. Temptations are everywhere. Almost every weekend there is some party or fun activity going on.

Parties and fun activities cost money.

That’s not a problem, if those parties and activities are funded by part-time college jobs.

Unfortunately, that’s not the norm.

Many college students apply for credit cards to help them fund their social activities, without their parents being aware. Credit card companies no longer require parent approval on credit card applications.

That average college student carries $2,573 in credit card debt.  This is not average spend, which is obviously significantly higher. This is the balance due on the credit card, after paying off some of that spend.

Since most people have Poor Money Habits, the odds are, your college student will be exposed to those habits.

If you raised your child to be frugal and responsible with money, you need to be very diligent and stay on top of their college spending, in order to prevent them from becoming infected by the bad habits of other college students who happen to infiltrate your college student’s inner circle.

College students who become infected with Poor Money Habits during college, spend years recovering from that infection.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!

If You Want To Be Rich You Need To Stop Thinking Like a Poor Person


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Habits are stored throughout the brain and controlled by a section of the limbic system called the Basal Ganglia.

This golf ball size mass of tissue smack in the center of the brain, saves the brain work. There is very little processing power involved with respect to habits. When a habit is formed, those habit brain cells kick in without any need for motivation, discipline, enthusiasm, or prodding.

Here’s the shocking statistic –  40 – 45% of all of our daily activities are habits. This means that 40 – 45% of the time we are all on auto pilot. We are thinking and doing things without the rest of the brain even being aware of the activity. We don’t truly understand how significant habits are in our daily lives.

Any mental thought, often repeated, becomes a habit. Poor people are poor and rich people are rich because of the way they habitually think. Habitual thinking comes first and habitual activities follow.

If you habitually think in a certain way, you will habitually act in a certain way.

Greatness requires great thoughts – to become rich, you have to think great thoughts.

To avoid poverty, you have to avoid Poverty Thinking.

How Poor People Think:

  • 87% of poor people think you must be intellectually gifted in order to become wealthy
  • 90% of poor people think fate determines your wealth or poverty in life
  • 87% of poor people do not believe they will be anything but poor
  • 80% of the poor believe the rich have superior genes, or DNA
  • 82% of the poor think they are not the cause of their poverty – someone else is to blame
  • 77% of the poor believe the rich lie in order to become wealthy
  • 90% of the poor think rich people are rich because their parents were rich and they inherited most of their money
  • 78% of poor people are not optimistic
  • 95% of poor people believe rich people are bad, greedy, lazy and dishonest
  • 52% of poor people believe wealth is accidental – a matter of dumb luck

How Rich People Think:

  • 90% of rich people believe IQ has little to do with success
  • 90% of rich people do not believe in fate
  • 43% of rich people believed they were going to be rich
  • 94% of the rich believe genes are irrelevant to success
  • 79% of the rich believe they are the cause of their financial success
  • 85% of the rich believe honesty is a prerequisite to success
  • 95% of the rich believe most millionaires are self-made
  • 54% of rich people think optimism is important to success
  • 78% of rich people think that rich people are good, hardworking and honest
  • Only 4% of rich people believe wealth is accidental – a matter of dumb luck

If you want to become wealthy you need to stop thinking like a poor person and start thinking like a rich person.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!

What Do Gambling, Junk Food, Reality TV, Anger and Gossiping All Have in Common?


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In my Rich Habits Study, I tracked over 300 activities/habits that separated the rich from the poor.

Individually, most Poor Habits do not have a significant impact on your financial circumstance. However, some Poor Habits do have a more profound impact on your life. Below are a few of the most destructive Poor Habits:

  • Poor people like to gamble: 77% of the poor admitted to playing the lottery regularly vs. 6% of the rich. 57% of the poor admitted to betting on sports weekly vs. 16% for the rich. Gambling is a tax on the poor. There’s a reason the poor gamble – random luck. Gambling levels the playing field, in the mind of the poor. The odds of winning are the same, whether you are rich or poor.
  • The rich do a better job keeping the pounds off: 21% of the wealthy admitted to being overweight by 30 pounds or more vs. 66% of the poor. But there’s more to this story… 97% of the poor ate more than 300 junk food calories a day while 70% of the rich ate less than 300 junk food calories a day. You can’t make money sitting in a hospital bed. If you neglect your health, eventually your rain barrel will overflow. That overflow results in cancer, heart disease, Type II Diabetes and other diseases.
  • Poor people love watching T.V.: 77% admitted to watching more than 1 hour of TV a day vs. only 23% for the rich. And their favorite TV shows? Reality TV 78% of the poor who watch more than an hour of T.V. each day are watching reality TV. Watching TV is a time-wasting or Do-Nothing Poor Habit. If you were to just reduce your TV watching by 30 minutes a day and re-deploy that time by reading to learn, exercising, or pursuing some goal or a dream, the cumulative beneficial effect could be the thing that lifts you out of poverty or poor health.
  • It seems the poor cannot control their negative emotions: 43% of the poor admitted to losing their temper at least once in the past month vs. 19% of the wealthy. Those who do not make a habit of controlling negative emotions are unable to build strong, powerful, life-long relationships with others. One outburst can destroy a long-term relationship in a matter of minutes.
  • Poor people like to gossip: 79% of the poor admit to gossiping while only 6% of the rich have this Poverty Habit. Gossiping almost always involves negative criticism of others. Gossiping damages relationships because people will not trust you once they find out you are a gossiper. Those you gossip about eventually figure out who is doing the gossiping. Gossip destroys relationships.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!

4 Strategies That Will Make You “UN-FIREABLE”


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Wealthy, successful individuals are fanatics when it comes to daily career-related, self-improvement.

The reason?

Successful people understand that knowledge creates opportunities and opportunities lead to good luck.

I uncovered four career-related, self-improvement strategies that the uber-successful use on a daily basis in order to make themselves UN-FIREABLE:

Strategy #1 Reading 

In my five-year research study on the daily habits of 361 rich and poor individuals, I made many profoundly important discoveries.

For example, 88% of the wealthy individuals in my research read self-help books/articles and industry-related books/articles. The wealthy are fanatics when it comes to daily career-related, reading. By increasing their knowledge base they are able to gain knowledge, which helps them see more opportunities. And these opportunities translate into more money. The wealthy devote a minimum of 30 minutes a day to self-education reading.

They do this day in and day out, like brushing their teeth. They understand that educational reading helps set themselves apart from their competition.

Daily educational reading helps make you more valuable to your employer, customers or clients.

Comparatively speaking, only 2% of the poor in my study engaged in this daily Rich Habit.

Strategy #2 Writing

Thirty-eight percent of the wealthy in my study engaged in some form of career-related writing, with 18% devoting time to writing for industry-related magazines/blogs.

Writing is a form of communication. Because you are writing on a specific topic, you must gain a more comprehensive understanding of that topic than reading alone can provide. Successful individuals engage in writing in a number of ways including: company newsletters, industry newsletters, newspaper articles, industry publication articles, Internet articles and customer/client letters and blogs.

Writing helps you get noticed in your industry and fosters the perception of you as an expert.

The knowledge you gain from writing, increases your value to your employer, customers or clients

None of the poor in my study engaged in career-related writing.

Strategy #3 Speaking

Twenty-three percent of the wealthy engaged in career-related speaking, with 12% speaking at trade group/industry functions.

Speaking, like writing, is a form of communication. It requires a greater understanding of a subject matter.

In a speaking engagement you may be asked questions and this forces you to a higher level of topic comprehension – when you are “the expert” on a speaking topic, you must fully comprehend that topic inside and out, in order to be prepared to accurately respond accurately to many questions.

Speaking requires a more detailed study that reading and writing, together, cannot provide. Speaking forces you to dig deeper and expand your knowledge base. Speaking elevates your perceived expertise in the eyes of your audience, who may be fellow supervisors, customers, clients, or senior executives at competing companies.

None of the poor in my study engaged in career-related speaking.

Strategy #4 Practice

True experts say that it takes 1,000 correct repetitions to develop muscle memory. These same experts also say that each incorrect repetition requires ten more just to wash away that one mistake from your brain’s muscle memory.

Repetition, in the form of Deliberate and Analytical Practice, will transform you into a Virtuoso in your your field. Practice allows you to improve and perfect your skill-sets.

Deliberate Practice requires many hours a day of Targeted Practice. Targeted Practice involves practicing specific sub-elements of each aspect of your skill.

Analytical Practice takes you to the top level, beyond excellent, and into the rarefied category known as Virtuoso status. When you reach Virtuoso status, you are among the very best at what you do in your field.

The bedrock of Analytical Practice is something called The Feedback Loop. All Virtuoso’s have one thing in common – some means by which they receive immediate feedback after practicing a skill.

This feedback is typically provided by a coach. A coach will analyze how the budding Virtuoso engages in their Deliberate Practice and will brainstorm ways to improve each element of that skill set.

The most successful of individuals employ all four career-related self-improvement strategies. But you can achieve incredible success by dedicating yourself, every day, to just one of these four strategies.

Utilizing one or more of the career-related, self-improvement strategies will make you more valuable within your industry and indispensable to your employer, customers or clients.

When you are perceived as indispensable.

You become UN-FIREABLE.

My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!